Hi, I'm Iraquitan

I'm a full-stack web developer living in Belém and I spend my time developing and deploying web apps.

by Iraquitan Cordeiro Filho

Latest blog posts

Welcome to Jekyll!

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run jekyll serve, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.

Jul 21, 2016


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More about me

I’m a Research Grantee at Vale Institute of Technology - Sustainable Development (ITV-DS), a research, technology, and innovation center regarding the Mining and Sustainable Development knowledge areas. In this role I work, mainly, in a project concerning the Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) field, developing and testing machine learning models using Python and Matlab as primary developing languages, as well as writing internal reports and articles for publishing. Our most recognised work to date was a conference paper published in the XVII Symposium on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, at São Paulo, Brazil in may 2015.

Despite appreciating my current work, I’m really passionate about Web Development, so I started professionalizing on with Udacity’s Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree program. From my current position I’ve gained experience in leadership, communication both in english and portuguese, collaboration and creativity problem solving. As a Full Stack Web Developer I’m skilled both in Frontend and Backend programming languages, tools and frameworks such as Python, Flask, Google App Engine, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery (see more in Background Skills).

I have a Computer Science BS from the Federal University of Pará and a Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree from Udacity.

I’m always interested in meeting new people, and also enjoy collaborative work, so fell free to contact me if you’d like to connect.